Vainajala Blog

Esittelyssä sarvitorvi

Introduction to Blowing Horns

This is a short introduction to the ancient Scandinavian horn instrument and to how it's played.

Introduction to Blowing Horns

This is a short introduction to the ancient Scandinavian horn instrument and to how it's played.

Shamaanirummun hoito-ohjeet

Care instructions for Shaman Drums

With this post you will learn about the qualities of shaman drums and will know how to maintenance your own drum.

Care instructions for Shaman Drums

With this post you will learn about the qualities of shaman drums and will know how to maintenance your own drum.

Stressi ja Rumpu

Drum as a stress reliever

Stress inevitably affects each of our lives from time to time. Stress has a good purpose because it makes us able to function, but if it goes on for too...

Drum as a stress reliever

Stress inevitably affects each of our lives from time to time. Stress has a good purpose because it makes us able to function, but if it goes on for too...